What’s Involved in a Business Optimization Study?

No matter the size or complexity of your business, a Business Optimization Study (BOS) provides comprehensive data modeling that allows you to get a glimpse into the future of what your potential ROI would be with an optimized implementation. Meticulously designed to uncover inefficiencies, the BOS will identify opportunities for improvement, and provide actionable insights. Here's a breakdown of the key steps involved:

Ensure Quality Compliance

Interview to Understand Your Business

This interview with OSI will help us understand your current business processes and technologies. Our experts work closely with your team, including subject matter experts and key stakeholders. This initial phase involves understanding your existing processes, workflows, and technology usage.

Streamline Processes

Process Documentation

We document every step of your processes, including time, labor, costs, and other relevant metrics. This information is then used to create a virtual data model of your business operations. This allows us to simulate and visualize potential improvements, providing a clear picture of both current and future states.

Strengthen Cost Management

Analysis & ROI Projection

The documented processes and data model are analyzed to identify areas for optimization. We provide detailed ROI projections for the recommended changes, prioritizing actions that offer the highest returns. This helps you make informed decisions based on potential savings and efficiencies.

Improve Productivity

Final Reporting

At the end of the BOS, you’ll receive a report outlining the findings, recommended optimizations, and expected outcomes. This report serves as a blueprint for your digital transformation journey, offering clear guidance on the most valuable changes you should implement.

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Benefits of a Business Optimization Study

Improved Decision Intelligence

Many ERP implementations fall short of expectations, but yours doesn't have to be one of them. Our BOS service provides the why behind any digital transformation project including the benefits, gross margin, and ROI justification. This report provides a tangible roadmap and empowers you to confidently make decisions that align with your goals and steer your project in the right direction.

Accurate ROI Predictions

Through a combination of OSI technology experts and powerful BI tools, our team analyzes and predicts the ROI your business could reap from optimizing your system environment. With the insights in this report, you can prioritize initiatives that offer the best return on investment, providing data to support your project budget and roadmap.

In-Depth Visualization

Through our data modeling approach, you’ll receive a visualization of what an implementation can do for the future growth of your organization. This also enables you to see the ripple effects across various departments and processes, giving you a holistic view of how an ERP system can improve your business. This in-depth visualization helps you make informed decisions and choose the right path that aligns with your digital transformation objectives.

Flexible for Any Industry

Our BOS service is industry-agnostic, meaning our data modeling is adaptable to fit any company framework, size, or complexity. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, our unique service will equip you with the necessary insight into what steps need to be taken next to make the most out of your systems. 

Put Your Plans into Action

Often paired with our Bridge Workshop, the BOS acts as an initial analysis. Through this consultation program, the Bridge Workshop helps create a game plan for your upcoming implementation. Discover more about what our Bridge Workshop is about and how our team can help you get the job done. 

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Is a BOS Right for You?

Schedule a free consultation with our experts and we’ll help you uncover potential optimizations.